My Recent Projects


Here are the recent projects that I have made and developed.

Glass Calculator

Made with Tilt.js & Glassmorphism Effect.

I made this application during my 2nd year. This calculator is truly modern styled, simple and unique. I used HTML, CSS to design the front end of the calculator with tilt.js to give it a cool rotating effect. And used JavaScript to make the calculator perform mathematical calculations.

Battery Level Detector

Live Battery Indicator made with JavaScript.

This application is a real time battery level indicator that uses JavaScript to get information about the battery level and display it on the screen. There is a cool animation of the battery as well which changes the color depending on the battery percentage. Inspired by Bedimcode.

3D Cube Animation

A simple and smooth rotating cube animation.

Made from just HTML and CSS. A looped animation of a white colored cube with a clear shadow rotating on a 3D road on a certain speed.

All Projects

Here are all the projects that I have developed.

Web Development

Draft Banking Website

I got this banking website design from Figma Community - which I converted to a fully functional website using HTML, SCSS, Tailwind CSS and JavaScipt. This landing page is fully mobile responsive too.

Web Development

Cool Landing Page

I converted this Figma design to a functional webpage using HTML, SCSS and Tailwind CSS. Functional Navbar, animated gradient buttons and much more are included. This webpage is not mobile responsive.

Web Development

Music Event Landing Page

Very unique and modern design made using Figma. I converted this Figma design to a functional mobile responsive webpage using HTML, SCSS and Tailwind CSS. Functional Navbar, animated gradient buttons and much more are included.

Web Development

Delicious - Food Recipe Website

This web application is built with React JS and Spoonacular API which allows the user to search for a recipe by name, or by cuisine category options available in the navbar. On clicking a recipe, it will show the details about the recipe such as summary.

Web Development

Battery Level Detector

This application is a real time battery level indicator that uses JavaScript to get information about the battery level and display it on the screen. There is a cool animation of the battery as well which changes the color depending on the battery percentage.

Web Development

Glassmorphism Calculator

This calculator is truly modern styled, simple and unique. I used HTML, CSS to design the front end of the calculator with tilt.js to give it a cool rotating effect. And used JavaScript to make the calculator perform mathematical calculations.

Games Development

Let's Drive To LA

This is a modern 2D car racing game which allows the player to drive a car, collect tickets and boosters, and avoid traffic cones. The game has 3 levels and player will need to collect all the tickets and finish before the timer to complete the level.

Web Development

Random Hex Color Generator

Random Hex Color Generator is a simple web application that generates random hex color and changes the backgroud color of the page to the generated color. I used HTML, CSS for front end and JavaScript for backend.

Ui/Ux Design

Twitter Login Page Design

This is a design for a login and register page. I have added a cool background image and also the option of login with other social media sites. A simple design that is easy to use. I have used Photoshop for logos and icons and XD for desiging and layout.

Web Development

Drag & Drop Card

Drag and Drop Card is a simple web application that allows the user to drag and drop cards to the desired position, with project link buttom placed on the card as well. HTML, CSS and JavaScript were used to create this application.

Web Development

Geek Jokes API - Jokes Generator

This Random Jokes Generator is a web application that uses the Geek Jokes API to generate random Chunk Norris Jokes when the user clicks the button. This was also made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript; where the API was used to generate the jokes.

Ui/Ux Design

Login Page Design

This is a design for a login page. It was made with Adobe XD. I have added a cool background image and also the option of login with other social media sites. A simple design that is easy to use. This was the my first project of Adobe XD & PS.

Web Development

Copy & Paste Emoji Website

Copy & Paste Emoji is a web application that has a list of emojis in different categories that the user can copy and paste to their own message or document. The user can also navigate to a specific category from the menu as well.

Web Development

Login & Register Form Slider

This is a login and register form slider that was made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It has a nice animation when the user clicks the login button. The page will smoothly slide to the other slide and the user will see a register form.

Game Development

Roll the Dice! Game

Roll the Dice is a two player game which I developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript. It's simple and easy to play with a very elegant animated background gradient. Kinda Bored? Try playing this game with your friends!

Web Development

Font Size Changer

Font Size Changer is a simple web application that lets the user to change the font size of the content on the webpage to 3 different sizes by clicking the buttons of the top right of the page. This was one of the first programs I made in JavaScript.

Ui/Ux Design

Profile Card Design

This is a profile card design that was made with Adobe XD. It's a simple card that displays the user's picture, name, their job/occupation, email, social media sites and phone number. The Hire Me button is a link to the user's portfolio website.


Car Animation

This is a car animation that I made using HTML, CSS and JavaScipt. It's a simple animation that displays the car moving across the screen and the background moving with the car to give a more realistic feel. It's a fun way to learn how to animate.


Cube Animation

This animation is purely made from just HTML and CSS. A looped animation of a white colored cube with a clear shadow rotating on a 3D road on a certain speed. The road surface markings are also moving with cube for a more realistic look.

Game Development

Tic Tac Toe Game

This is a simple Tic Tac Toe game made using Visual Basic .NET. It's a game that displays a 3x3 grid of squares. The player can click on a square to mark it with either an X or an O. The game ends when a player has 3 in a row. The winner will be alerted.

Thank you for visiting my website!